Monday, June 7, 2010

What is the meaning of being a Muslim...?

may Allah bless you all 4 reading this this post...

Being Muslim in the aspect of belief...this is the first and the most important of being a muslim...

The admittance of someone to accept the existence of Allah in his belief is a must for someone to be a Muslim. That is why a newbie a.k.a Mualaf need to recite the Syahadah first to convert into the greatest, as a Muslim, do we know what is this actually means to us??

1. we need to believe that Allah is the greatest creator that create this wonderful, beautiful and perfect universe. He doesnt need any help from us or else. one element of this universe need each other to function well. if one unit fail to function, then there would be a horrendous effects. isn't it so great???

"Sekiranya ada di langit dan di bumi Tuhan-tuhan selain Allah tentu keduanya itu telah rosak binasa, maka maha suci Allah yang mempunyai arasy daripada apa yang mereka yang mereka sifatkan" (Al-Anbiya')

2. we need to believe that the creation of us in this world is aiming for something. it is not a vain or, let's us find what is the real purpose of our life??

the Holy Al Quran will guide us....

3. we need to believe the messengers and the prophets was sent to teach the people to know Him better and understand what is the real purpose of life....and to let we know where is the end of our life..

plus, we need to believe The Prophet of Muhammad is the last messenger and he was granted with the Holy Al-Quran as a 'mikjizat' for eternity....

This is only a piece of elaborations. i am still reading the a book entitle 'Apa ertinya Saya Menganut Islam??' by Fathi Yakan..

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